Lucy Fox-Boots

Partner - Washington, DC

The Washington Harbour
3050 K St. NW
Suite 210
Washington, DC 20007

Lucy Fox-Boots has over a decade of experience in state and federal issue advocacy and campaigns.

Lucy began her career in Hilltop’s Washington, DC, office, where she worked for five years managing grasstops and grassroots issue advocacy campaigns as an associate and then a principal.

In 2017, Lucy left Hilltop for a stint at Indivisible, a progressive grassroots non-profit organization.  At Indivisible, Lucy developed the organization’s first ever national endorsements program. As Indivisible’s Political Director in 2020, Lucy oversaw the organization’s electoral program, including over $2 million in paid media spends and more than 37 million voter contact attempts by the organization’s volunteer network.

In 2022, Lucy returned to Hilltop as a partner.

Lucy holds a Bachelor of Science from Georgetown University, and lives in Louisville, Kentucky.